Health coaching is a client-driven partnership dedicated to a healthier you.
What is Health Coaching?
Coaching is a collaborative, growth-promoting relationship that is designed to teach you how to understand yourself so that you can make positive and sustained changes.
You are the expert of your life. I am your guide, helping you to attain the goals that are important to you.
I can help you to tap into your own strengths, resources, and motivations. Together we will explore any obstacles that are preventing you from making changes and create an action plan to get you where you want to go.
I will cheer you on as you find your own answers and become accountable to your choices and actions.
I am here to support you in taking charge and taking the next best step toward a healthier you.
What trainings and certifications has Ali received?
Ali was certified by A Wellness Revolution, the Functional Nutrition Alliance, Apollo Health, and the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching.
How is wellness coaching different than therapy?
Coaching is not about the past. It is about what you want to do now to improve your future. Or as Fast Company defines it, "Coaching is not therapy, it is product development, with you as the product".
Is Wellness Coaching right for me?
Making changes is hard. Which is why New Year's resolutions usually fail. If you have tried to make changes and they just don't stick, coaching may be for you.
Coaching can help you to create a plan, tweak your action steps along the way, and help you reach your goals. A supportive coach can help you to make sustainable changes.
I don’t live in California, can I still receive coaching?
Yes! My coaching sessions take place on Zoom, so we can work together no matter where you are.
What happens during a coaching session?
During your initial session, we will figure out what is most important to you. Each session after that will be a conversation about how the previous week went, successes, what worked, and what didn't. Together we will tweak goals as necessary, discuss any obstacles, develop strategies, and have fun doing it!
Am I going to be asked to do things that I don’t want to do?
No. You are the driver. I am your guide. I will help you tap into what you already know. Like what works best for you. We will be co-creators throughout the process. You will not be asked to do anything that you do not want to do. I want for you what you want for you.
Will our wellness coaching sessions be confidential?
Yes. Anything that is said (or written) is strictly confidential, except as otherwise authorized by you, or as required by law.